加拿大哥们对梨园戏一见倾心 专程来泉州搞研究
甲:持牒出酆都(意为“鬼城”)。Carrying the death warrant, we leave the halls of Hell.
乙:勾魂不含糊。Snatching souls is our trade.
甲:阎王要你三更死。If our king appoints three the fatal hour.
乙:谁人敢等四更鼓? Who shall hear the clock strike four?
甲:兄弟呀,此宅哭哭啼啼,正是彭府,速速入内去捉人。Brother, I hear weeping within this house. It's the Peng Residence, let's go snatch him away.
乙:走!我来动手……呀,美……美…… I’ll handle this…Ah, how beautiful…beautiful…
甲:什么美美? What are you talking about?
乙:那彭夫人真美,你看一下。Take a look at his wife, she's beautiful.
甲:都不见头面,因乜知伊美(意为“你怎么知道她美”)?You can’t even see her face. How can you tell if she’s a beauty?
乙:这点我在行。你来看,小蛮腰、樊素口…… I have my ways. Look at that lithe waist, those cherry lips…
甲:臭死狗呀!叫咱来勾魂摄魄,管人家什么小蛮腰、樊素口?难怪你曾经做色中饿鬼,打入香粉地狱。闲话莫说,把他勾来!You miscreant! Our job is to snatch souls. What business is it of yours what her waist or her lips are like? No wonder you’re in the pit of hell reserved for the lusty. Enough nonsense, snatch his soul!
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