2016-09-01 09:02:59来源:中国日报网责任编辑:陈玮 李艳 |
二十国集团第11次首脑会议将于9月4日至5日在杭州举行。2014年布里斯班二十国集团峰会宣布2016年G20峰会将在中国举办以来,习近平主席曾经在多个场合谈到G20杭州峰会,从中国的角度阐释了二十国集团会议,并为二十国集团和世界经济的发展以及全球经济治理提供建议。 下面,我们就跟大家一起回顾一下习近平主席这几年有关G20峰会的论述。 2014年11月15日,习近平在二十国集团领导人第九次峰会第一阶段会议上的发言: 开辟新的增长点 Create new drivers of economic growth 中方在主办亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议期间,将互联互通作为核心议题之一,目的就是开辟新的增长点。 When hosting the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, China had made connectivity one of the key issues on the agenda in order to create new drivers of economic growth。 我们支持二十国集团成立全球基础设施中心,支持世界银行成立全球基础设施基金,并将通过建设丝绸之路经济带、21世纪海上丝绸之路、亚洲基础设施投资银行、丝路基金等途径,为全球基础设施投资作出贡献。 We support the G20 in establishing a Global Infrastructure Hub and the World Bank in setting up a Global Infrastructure Facility, and we will also contribute our share to global infrastructure investment through such means as the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt, the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund。 中国经济增长是世界经济增长的重要动力。根据国际组织测算,中国是二十国集团全面增长战略的最大贡献者之一。这样的贡献,源自中国自身稳增长、调结构、促改革、惠民生的政策措施。 China’s economic growth is an important engine of the world economy. According to the estimate of the relevant international organization, China is one of the largest contributors to the G20’s Comprehensive Growth Strategy, which is the result of the policy measures China has taken for the purpose of fostering steady growth, adjusting economic structure, advancing reform and improving people’s livelihood。 中国向二十国集团提交的增长战略包括了134项这样的政策措施,充分展示了中国以改革促增长的决心、理念和行动。 The growth strategy China has submitted to the G20 includes 134 such policy measures, fully demonstrating our resolve, thinking and action to promote growth through reform。 中国经济将继续保持强劲、可持续、平衡增长势头,每年增量相当于贡献了一个中等发达国家的经济规模。未来5年,我们将进口超过10万亿美元商品,对外投资超过5000亿美元。 The Chinese economy will keep the momentum of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Its annual growth is equivalent to the economic aggregate of a medium-sized developed country. Over the next five years, China will import US$10 trillion of goods and invest over US$500 billion overseas。 这些将为世界经济提供更多需求,创造更多市场机遇、投资机遇、增长机遇。作为2016年二十国集团领导人峰会主办国,中国愿意为推动世界经济增长作出更大贡献、发挥更大作用。 This will lead to more demand in world economy and create more market, investment and growth opportunities. As the host of the G20 summit in 2016, China is ready to make even greater contribution to and play a bigger role in driving world economic growth。 |
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