
2017-07-26 17:52 苏小魁 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:刘晨

东南网澳大利亚7月26日讯(本网记者 苏小魁)当地时间7月24日,Atlas Space和澳大利亚职业联盟(Australia Professional League)共同主办的中澳创新论坛(Australia-China Innovation Forum)在悉尼召开。创新企业巨头和行业翘楚参加了该次论坛。本次活动为联络中澳职业人士、发起行业讨论、启发思想、拓展海外机会提供了平台。



新南威尔士州议员及新州金融、服务和房产部长Victor Dominello,西太平洋银行项目经理Ada Gao在发言中分别分析了变化的商业环境以及由此而来的商业机遇。

其他嘉宾随后加入讨论,就当地社区能够提供给创新企业的支持纷纷发表意见。参与讨论的嘉宾有:新南威尔士大学创新支持资深经理Joshua Flannery,阿里云澳新及亚太区主管Raymond Ma,VIG中国CEO Will Yang,AtlasMelbourne及MagicalTV首席战略官Matthew Ma。

The Australia-China Innovation Forum Held Successfully in Sydney

Southeast Net Australia 25 July (Andy Su) Local time 24th July 2017, Atlas Space and Australia Professional League co-hosted the Australia-China Innovation Forum in Sydney. Innovative industry giants and leading entrepreneurs of the community attended the forum. The event provided a platform to connect presenters from Australia and China, to discuss their areas of specialty, to inspire ideas and provide overseas opportunities.

Leaders from different sectors, different cultural background all gathered around and redefined the role the community plays in Australian technology and startup ecosystem. The event was started by 5 communities and got supports from more than 15 communities across Australia.

Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Finance, Services and Property and Ada Gao, Project Manager at Westpac from the Panel each gave an inspirational speech talking about the changing business environment and the opportunities that came with it.

Then Joshua Flannery, Senior Startup Support Manager from UNSW, Raymond Ma, head of ANZ& ASEAN for Alibaba Cloud, Will Yang, CEO VIG China and Matthew Ma from ATLAS Melbourne and CSO joined Victor and Ada for a panel discussion that further discusses what kind of support is out there for start-ups.